Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Pictures in Tarvin's House

Megan finally posted out the pictures in her blog! XD So i stealed some photos from her.. XP (Thanks ya!) These are the photos thats been shot from Tarvin's house. Have fun looking at it! X)

Top 10 Posers of That Day are..

1. Bryan Oh

He looks cool so he deserves first! XD

2. Kaarthik

Thats what i called Mafia looking. XD

3. Mathew and Shekar

Mathew was the mafia wannabe. XD Shekar was sorta left out.. XP But still they have those cun cun looking pose. Deserves it! X) Kaarthik your in 2nd adi enough la.. XD

4. KimNgiam and Nat

Good Friends.. emo together.. XD Their friendships makes them get 4th. X)

5. Megan

The Guitar player wannabe.. XD The guitar is the only giving her to points. XD

6. Me and PSP

Spot for the PSP!! XD (answer: Its in my hands! XD) I dont look good in this.. XD But PSP helped me gained point! X)

7. Jonathan and Tarvin

Jonathan was stoned there. Tarvin was hearing the song that Ranee was playing. But still both of them have the pose. XD Mathew your in 3rd place adi la.. enough la..

8. Racheal

Relaxs she doesnt play the guitar. XD But still her blur emotions and her guitar helped her gain points! XD

7. Ranee

She was blur that time.. XD But still she looked good in here. X) Jonathan your in 7th adi la..

Extra Pictures..

Sorry.. Megan was lifeless. Im still playing the PSP! XD

Im not playing this time. This one looks better! XD

Best Picture of the day! XD

Seriously.. even knw drama was cancel.. but still we did have FUN!! I have fun to the maximum cos of the PSP. XD