The Song name is..
Change My World!!!
Woohoooo!! Thank you for voting the names people.. X) And mayb.. just mayb.. sooner or later i will post it out in youtube. XD Just for the fun of it. XP
And now guess what?? Just right after 3 days after creating Change My World.. i got another new chords for another song!! 8D But serious.. both chords of the song are the same.. but the struming pattern and position of the chords are diffrent.. Mayb.. Im just gonna try to add a bar-chord in it!! D8 But believe me.. its not going to be EMO song this time.. im gonna make a happy one. XD Im sick of creating/writing my own lyrics.. i need some fella to help me write the lyrics this time. XP
YUI Tan needs a blanket.. but buy a blanket for her to sleep in its not cheap.. START SAVING MONEY YUMING!!! (trying tell my self that..) Saving money for YUI Tan!! XD
Listening to: Find Me