Thursday, April 14, 2011

Just got Skype

Hey guys, guess what? I GOT SKYPE! XD

Yeah, I know im a little bit, or should I say, WAAAAY to late to get skype!

To be honest, I downloaded the thing so that I can play HON and talk to my friends who are playing HON with me at the same time. XP

But the whole thing changed when I started to really use it.

Is like i can call someone free of charge! And we can video call each other without having problems!! (msn have tons of problems) Plus, I can talk to tons of friends all at the same time! It feels great! XD

After know how useful this thing is, I feel like kicking myself for not having Skype before. Seriously, one nice and hard kick right at the butt.

Dont worry, I'll still be on msn. But i will be on skype half of the time la. XP

Wanna add me? Come and find, facebook, msn or talk to me face to face okay? I will give you guys my Skype Name. XP