Monday, December 10, 2007

Being Childish again..

Okay today's "Being Childish again" Title is Digimon! To tell you all the truth, until now... I still love digimon! XD What bring back these memery abt this monster? It happend yesterday..

I was walking around 1U with my other friends that morning. As usual i will stop by "Gamers Corner" the game shop to see is there any new games to play. i spotted some kids playing Digimon rumble arena 2 with one of my friend, Jeosph. Jeosph asked me to play along as well! Of course i would agree with such questions. XD

The gama was pretty simple and since i have some exprience playing the game, that would make it double easy. I trash all of them by jus using Omnimon my favourite Digimon! XD All of them i mean all of them lose to me (this is the part where i get cocky. XD) I didnt lose at all! (cocky like usual) Which is also another fun thing. XD

Omegamon is Japanese
Omnimon in English

I love Omnimon ever since the first digimon movie was created. My first time watching it was problely at age 9~10 like that. I like Wargreymon at first but after the movie the hole thing change. I was IN to Omnimon already! XD It was the first and the best movie i ever watch through out my hole life. Until now i still have to CD with me! XD

Digimon the Movie:
Rise of Diaboromon

The movie is all abt a weird digital egg suddenly appears in the internet in the human world. the egg hatch was ready to concur the hole internet and also destroying the human world. Agumon and Gabumon join forces entering the internet to save the world. But it was too late, the digimon in the egg has transfrom into Its final form Diaboromon. Even Agumon and Gabumon's Final level which are Wargreymon and MetalGarurumon cant even beat it, becuase Diaboromon has very quick speed and abilty to duplicate him self. Sounded vey impossible to be defeat. Thus Wargreymon and MetalGarurumon's speed slowed down becouse of the user that keep sending emails to Tai's computer (the main character). Thus they have to defeat Diaboromon within a time limit cos Diaboromon has sended a missle into the human world. But it sounded hopeless already..

Suddenly people around the world using internet cheer both of the digimon up. And With the cheer from Tai (Wargreymon's owner) and Mat (Metalgarurumon's owner), miricale happend. Wargreymon and MetalGarurumon join force and digivolve them self became Omnimon! With both of sword (Transetic sowrd) and bazooka (Supreme Canon) Omnimon can finish Diaboromon within a few blows and with the help the internet users the computer that Diaboromon was in became laggg and Omnimon became fast. A finishing blow with a Transetic Sword finsh off Diaboromon.. The End..

A little short movie just to let you guys see how strong is Omnimon is. And also this is the final part of the movie from Rise of Diaboromon. Have FUN watching it! XD

After a long years of changing. Digimon became a very popular issue to kids and teenagers as well. When things goes on things will go enemy will grow stronger and so is the Heroes. Digimon Evoultion X the movie concures the hole digimon from season 1, 2, 3 and even 4! Turning it into the Ulimate movie ever and also the first digimon movie in 3D!! Omnimon is no long the same Omnimon that we just looks it has change into the Ultimate form of Omnimon, Omnimon X!!

Here are some pictures of Omnimon X. Well compare to the last one this one losks alot cooler! XD And most importantly stronger! XD From the movie i finally knw that Omnimon is from the Royal Knights! (A secret digimon organization create by the great Alphamon) They say that Omnimon was the last member of the Royal Knights. This means there are more stronger Digimon than Omnimon! (D8) I heard that this Alphamon is a lot stronger than Omnimon. No Way!!


Thank you for sharing you time with my childish blog. Thank you x100!! well hope you guys out there are as chilidish as i am! XD Till then byebye!