Tuesday, February 10, 2009


After playing accoustic Guitar for like 2 days.. damm my fingers are paining!! Yeap i knw, only TWO days then finger paining already.. Guess i will have to take classic guitar as a training first.. Should have take John's advice.. XP

Didnt i tell you where did i get the guitars?? Oww... i forgotten to mention abt it.. XP

Accoustic Guitar: Jeffrey
Classic Guitar: Tarvin

Simple.. but i've returned the acoustic back to its rightful owner.. sobs.. byebye acoustic.. sobs.. But still, playing with classic guitar isint much of a pain on the finger. XP Now, the only way to let me train on acoustic is.. to get Huiee's freaking acoustic guitar!! XD Pray to lord that im the winner of the bet..

I finally manage to learn the note/chords for Goodbye Days and god dammit the chords are hard to play. Well now all i need to do is.. keep practising on my changing finger thingy, the strength of pressing.. and lastly the way and tempo of struming the song. Haiz.. but like what try said.. practise makes prefect!! XD

Seriously.. after playing Tarvin's Electro guitar.. i feel like getting one as well!! Its sooo much easier to play than acoustic and even classic!! Thus its small!!! Its easier to play wei!! But dammit its farking expensive!! 1.2k!! D8 Guess i still stick with acoustic la.. XP

Think that im happy?? Think again..

Listening to: Love and Truth