Sunday, February 22, 2009

The 3 Things

Okay so far... im not feeling emo anymore.. I just its just for now.. but sometimes i still do get emo but NOT AS MUCH AS LAST TIME!!! XD YuMing you did well.. *nods his head and pat himself* Getting HIGH!!!

The 3 things.. well so far i got three things which made me happy. X) Let me just list them out. XP

1. Accoustic Guitar
-To those of you who really really read my blog should knw how i get this accoustic guitar.. Its damm awesome wei!! Electro accoustic guitar!! Big ass guitar!! The shape the colours all looks excactly like YUI's one. Just that there are some extra girlish stickers and no YUI signature on it only.. XP Thanks to Huiee for the accoustic guitar. XD

2. A Handmade Note Book
- This is actually very cool.. even know its green note book but still a good colour for me. X) On the note book there are some childish drawing on it. There are 3 drawing actually.. One is a mic, Two is a face of a retarded looking guy making a peace sign and Three is a black PSP which a YUI word on the screen.

What is the meaning of this 3 pictures?? Well one is a mic which proof how much i love singing. X) Two, the retard looking face which is how retarded I looked. XD (actually thats not the real reason behide it, just make this one out for comedy. XP) Three, the PSP which YUI on it which proof how much im IN to PSP and YUI. X) This gift is from my third pet little sister, YanLeng. Thank You!! Lots of LOVE. X)

3. An Angpao
- You might think is an angpao with money inside of it. But this one is diffrent.. This one is with a Bleach keychain in it!! 8D Surpisingly.. at least i thought is was really ang pao! XD This keychain is sooo coool.. its a cross sign and a weird looking shape on it.. Thus its an original item!! JAPAN stuff!!! XD But come to think of it.. in which scene or episode in bleach got something to do with a cross sign?? o.O Any ways.. I like it cause i got my first phone keychain. XD Thanks to my brother, Suilun. X)

Why am i getting items these days?? Well.. blog readers or my good friends should knw why. Dun wanna tell out!! XP Still..

Thanks for the permanent item guys!! X) (except yours Huiee. XP)

Listening to: For Real