Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Valentine's Day + Chinese New Year

I thought Mr.Siva was just joking about our class being really small.. but he wasnt kidding at all! I joined class with some other group the other day.. and their class is just waaay bigger than ours! D8

Its might not be big for u all but it sure is big to me! XD

So what's up?? The lastest thing which is happening right now is.. Chinese New Year and Valentine's day. Both of this two days are mashed up and going to be celebrating on the same day..

So issint going to be ang pao for your lovers or roses? XD

HELP is celebrating Valentine's day as well.. We actually have a Rocking Valentine event.Well not to say im not interested but im actually busy on that night.. thus im going to balik kampung soon. XP

It looks like a huge event, so how are they going to raise fund?

Yeap typically tradisional way.. selling cupcakes and roses. From the looks of it, looks like they are doing a great job there. XD

A rose is really not that expensive. Buy one for you love one. From HELP! XD Nick Tan asked me to buy one and wait at the corridoors and when i see a pretty girl then give them. XD

Looks like im not going to buy those for anyone this year. Wait.. i never buy roses for girl.. sad. XP (cheapskate!)

So what am i doing now?

Yeap, some hardcore Crisis Core-ing. XP Playing 'Hard Mode' now and seriously, it doesnt really make much of a difference. The monster only have higher hp and stronger attacks. Big deal.. Im skilled. XD

I guess im celebrating CNY and Valentines with my assignments. Seriously.. Assignments ARE a killers!!