Thursday, July 3, 2008

Tag Along

Got Tagged by Megan.. AGAIN!! So here goes nothing!

-From 11 to 1-

people tagged with this quiz
- Izzaty

- SuiLun
- Huiee
- Yuenhee
- Free for ALL!

firsts firsts best friend : Foo Jun Jie. X)
first pet : A fish.. died within 3 days.. XP
first piercing : Never have one
First crush : Erm.. standart 4 i guess..
first CD : Kamen Rider Black! XD
first car : A toy car!! XD
first stuffed animal : Tiger!!! X)
first love : Form 1~
first place called home : My kampung

lasts last beverage : duh~ Water!!
last car ride : 7 hours ago
last movie seen : Kung-Fu Panda. Watched the 3rd time!
last phone call : 2 hours ago, Huiee.
last song you listened to : Its Not Easy~
last bubble bath : Few years ago!
last time you cried : 4 months ago..
last thing you ate : Rice.. =.=
last bad thing you did : Playing PSP while studying.. XP

have you ever dated one of your best friend : yeah! X)
have you ever been arested : D8 Hell NO!!
have you ever been skinny dipped : i think soooo...
have you ever been in a limo : Nah..
have you ever cheated : Hell Yeah! U dare to say u didnt!?
have you ever been in love : Duh~ Stupid question..
have you been in a car accident : Yeah.. but my brother is the one got injuryed.
have you ever broken a bone : Dislocated yes, broke no.

(7) things you are wearing: Shirt? Pants? Underwear? Watch? Specs? What else do u what?

(6) things you have done today:
- Go to school
- Temaned my friends looking for college stuffs
- Makan during recess
- Study.. Study.. Study.. Ponteng.. Study..
- Teman Tarvin go find Megan
- Stayed back for no reason
- Bathed..
- PSP.. PSP.. PSP.. sleep.. PSP
- Basketball
- Blogging.. until now

(5) favourite things:
- Girls!!
- PSP!!
- Handphone!
- Friends!
- sex.. XP

(4) people you tell almost anything to:
- Suilun
- Justin
- Vanessa
- My Sister

black or white : White
hot or cold : Hot!!!
chocolate or vannila : Chocolate

(2) what you want to do before you die:
- Get a girlfriend
- Get a prefect job, game creator
- Get married
- Have Sex (duh~)
- Have a fantastic family
- Get kids
- Become Grandpa
- Donate my organs or parts of my body

(1) things that you regreted:
- For have such a bad attitude..
- For misunderstanding
- For being such a pain in the ass