Hearing this song over and over again on both Hitz.fm and Fly.fm. After hearing this song i kinda go addicted to it.. dunno why!? =.= Anyways.. since im sooo freaking free i spend my time looking for the music video. And i found out something..
Do you know Gossip Girl? Do you know Blair Waldorf?? Do you know Leighton Meester?? If you do u have to watch the music video of [Good Girls Go Bad]. Seriously.. i was shocked after i watched the video..
Did u see it?? Did u hear it?? Blair Waldorf AKA Leighton Meester can sing!! D8 Its not like any average singer.. I have to say.. Shes GOOD!!! 8D Yeah i find her very attractive (all thanks to Gossip Girl) but i find her even more attarctive now after watching this video. God shes HOT!!!
Some of you will problally go like, "You now only know arh!?". Well call my stupid and yes i just know only.. all thanks to fly.fm for mentioning about it.
Anyways heres another video of Taylor Swift again!! Its another old one.. but who cares!! Its nice and funny! XD
How nice to have bands/friends like hers. X) Go Go Taylor Swift!!!
Learning guitar songs again.. going to fill up the chord book man! XD