Monday, October 12, 2009

ByeBye Snakie

Yeap like what the title said.. Byebye Snakie..

My bro and dad decided to let it go. RELEASE!! Yeap, if we dont release it. it will die.. and we dont want snake spirits in our house! XD We release it somewhere near our house area.. (who unlucky then who kena our snakie. XD) It somewhere at the lake of KEN1. Well dun worry its not poisonous at all, it just some freaking longkang snake.

Have you even seen a movie with your family? As in, in a movie threater with you family watching a movie?? I did.. The last time i did it was when i was very very very when a popular movie called [Jingled all the Way] was out. This time, in year 2009, we did it again!! XD Thanks to my sister for belanja-ing all of us. Too bad my bro dun wanna join us cause he watched the movie already. The movie we watch is a singaporian show [Where got Ghost?] in chinese is [Xia Tao Xiao]

The movie is nice.. its not all in one story, its actually 3 different stories. Well the movie is using ghost stories to teach us moral values. Awesome kind of movie. I like the 2nd story. (just to not spoilt the story i wont tell u guys what issit. XD) and the ending has the best moral value all of. XD Great Movie..

Im bored.. real bored.. school is coming back again. Should i yay?? o.O

Happy Birthday Peiyin!!! X)
-no pictures cause i never taken one with her before i think-