I just notice.. i found something extremely coincidents!! Im serious!!!
I and Nomura.. are guys!!!! No no no.. thats NOT the real thing. Its just testing all of u are really focusing on this post anot.
I and Nomura created a song which is almost alike.. alike percentage is like 50%?? or more..
Remember i told u abt my new song called "Sad Memoirs"? Yeap.. he created a song almost alike!! D8 Final Fantasy versus XII main theme song which is called "Somnus Nemoris" the chorus part of the song sounds alot alike my "Sad Memoirs"!!! D8
-Somnus Nemoris-
Abt this is a song with the language Latin. The most oldest language in the world. Thats why they make this song sooo historical.. Cool song issint?? If u hear before my song *especially Suilun* you should focus on the chorus. Its sounded almost alike!!! D8
OMG.. theres another fella how had my song. D8 Does that mean my song is copy writted?? D8 Noooooooo... I dunno wanna be copy writted!!!