Monday, August 25, 2008

See me play in Youtube!!!

Do u even knw what does that mean?? Well me explainly shortly.. Remember that my school have this even called MPS?? I bet blog fans should knw.. next, remembered i told u that im playing the price of freedom in that event??

Yeap, we are in YOUTUBE!! XD Someone video taped us while we're playing and put us in Youtube!!! Wooohoooo!!! XD Well that someone is actually Hadi. X) Thanks anyways.

Well never seen our performance before?? Well its time to show u.. Enjoy!! And Rate it plss.. XP

Piano - YuMing (Me!!)
Guitars - Tarvn and Melvin
Violinist -Nathanael

Pretty neat eh?? Well, come to think of it, there are some funny parts in this video. Well one is, I looked like somesort of freek with and egg shell on the head. XD Two, is Tarvin keeps turning around and look at Nat thus nodding his head around the video time 1.51 cause Nat forgotten his turn to jump into the song. Third is Riyal keep jumping into the picture!!! They should shoot Melvin more!! XD

Sorry for the noisy background by the way.. XP Comment it plsssss!!! Its my first and only video of performance with piano in it! XD


Not to show off but.. poeple have been asking me. How do u play The Price of Freedom. Well i take this time to thank my brother from another father and another mother but the SAME AGE!! XD AKA Suilun for teaching me this song.

Hadi took another video of me teaching how to play the price of freedom. Stop and Stare people!!

Pretty Neat eh?? Want the proof that i played it?? Look until the end of he video and u can see my FACE!!! XD LOA..Well have fun learning and i can tell u.. its a very very easy song. Its all reapeated! XD Sorry for the noisy background again. Blame Tarvin for making sooo much noise.

Adios!!! More pictures to come!!