Sunday, February 17, 2008

Legenda Mat Salak

What is this title about?? What in the world is "Legenda Mat Salak"?? Did you ever heard it before?? Well it me explain.. Last Thursday which is on the same day as valentine, my school have this BM drama competition. This competition is our oral BM marks for the report card so it sounds kinda important. XP Then what "Legenda Mat Salak"?? Well thats the name of my class drama. Before i continue on let me introduce the directors and the actors.

Legenda Mat Salak
Director: Tarvinder +Ranee
Main Actor: Darli: YuMing (me!!)
Ketua Kampung (KK): Choon Kit
Body Guards of KK: Chian Yong+ Hur Aun
Crazy Mother: Germaine
Bomohs: Celine+ Vania+ Kim Ngiam
Kawan: Bimbo: Zer Hann+ Lala: Karman
Tanda Jari: Kaartik
Tupai's voice: Cheng Wi
Ratu Putih (RP): Lisa Khoo
Body Guards of RP: Kuok Ken+ Marcus Tan
Dancers: Break Dancer: Roshan+ Shuffler: Bryan Oh
Jack Sparrow: Shakar
Davi Johnes (DJ): Nicholas Chin
Body Guards od DJ:Cheng Wi+ Yeu Sheng
Puteri Gunung Ledang: Lynn Kam
British Victim: Wei Soong

I knw it sounded kinda weird and some of the chracters are pretty familar from other movies. This drama is a combination of Meniti Kaca, Kampung Pasir Salak, Panas Salju, Chronicles of Narnia, Pirates of the Carabian and Puteri Gunung Ledang. This drama is mostly abt comedy and let me tell you its SUPER funny! Thanks to Tarvin and Ranne for brain storming the hole week. Heres the plot of the story.

There is this worrior called Darli from Kampung Pasir Salak. This worrior needs to go for the war with the british but he has two problems now. First is that he has heart problem some kind of Asma or something. Second he needs hsi family member to sign a war contract but his mother was crazy so she cannot sign. So the ketua kampung asked him to find the bomohs to help him out with his problem. The bomohs told him to do this 3 "hard" quest. First is he needs to get the RatuPutih's key. Second he need to get Davi Johnes chest with the help from Jack Sparrow. And third he needs to get Puteri Gunung Ledang's shoes.

He when to Narnia and have the wrong direction from the asshole Tanda Jari and get the right direction from the talking Tupai (actually it was a toy kangaroo). He reached Ratu Putih's Castle and asked for the key. Like usual the Ratu Putih refuse unless he won a dancing competition. Darli actually doesnt knw how to dance he just acted like he knw but gets own by the Ratu Putih's Break Dancer. But out of no where a Shuffler come out a push Darli away and own Ratu Putih's break dancer. Darli wons the battle without even fighthing and he obtained the key.

Next he when and find Jack Sparrow and coincidently he just meet him by just mentioning him. While they were sailing in the sea looking for Davi Johne, Jack told Darli that Davi Johnes wont be appearing in the beach cos he was afaird of coconuts droping on his head. Then again coincidently they meet Davi Johnes by just mention him again. It was a unclimatic battle with Davi Johne's body guards, himself versus Jack and Darli. Darli couldnt kill Davi Johnes because his already dead (same as the movie) but Darli remember what Jack told him. So he shouted Coconut and Davi Johnes was afaird of the big lie and runned away. Darli obtain the chest.

Darli need to find the last item which is the shoes of Puteri Gunung Ledang. Jack insist to follow in his journey and off they sailed. They reached the mountain and meet the Puteri sleeping soundly. It come out become a VERY fierce and annoying Puteri that doesnt want to get disturb. But still the Puteri was kind enough to pity Darli and gave him the shoes which seriously smells bad.. In the mean time the Puteri joins Darli to go back to Kampung Pasir Salak.

Jack leaves the gang and continue his journey after he left Darli and the Puteri back to the kampung. Darli was back to the kampung and he gave the 3 items that the bomoh asked for. The key was used to open Davi Johnes chest and inside there was a sweet. Darli ate it and his heart problem is cured miricaly. Next the give the stinky shoes to the bomohs and let Darli's mother smell the shoes. Coincidently the smell was SOO bad it woke Darli's mother for her crazyness.

Finally the war begins since that Darli has solve his problem. A very quick battle with the British and its a happy ending. But suddenly the Puteri steped out and asked "You dont you let your father sign the war contract??" It turn out becaming a stupid and lame ending.


A pretty long story but it fits into the drama time limit which is 15minutes. It audions love our show and we have fun too. It was the best drama among all the classes (i think) cos it was TOO FUNNY!! I think the drama making them laugh out their tummies. XD We think that the judges love our show as well. I just hope we can do it again. I dun mind serious cos i have fun being the main actor and thanks to Nick for giving the job.

But the results seem to be pretty bad. Our Sivik teacher, Puan Zaini was the head judge. She told us that our class got the fourth place only!! D8 WTF wei!!! 4A gets the first, 4k second and 4L third. WTF!!! I tell those judges have no sense of humor, all they want is nilai moral la.. What Ever SHIT it is!! I freaking pissed now!! But still we won the audions and thats good enough for our class and the judges, they still need training. Belive me.. they suck..