You dunno whats Dissidia right? We let me explain to according to what i found out. Dissidia is a battling combat game created by Square-Enix company. Well is not just any combat games. Its a 3D battling combat game! you control a chracter like how you control Sora in Kingdom Hearts! Thus what makes it most intresting is, you will be using FinalFantasy Characters from 1~12!! (according to Tarvin's infos) Issint that cool!! Thus the game is in PSP!! Yeay!! XD Okay lets just head to the Trailer.
-Dissidia Trailer-
Cool issint it! Worrior of Light from FFI and Garland from FFI final boss are battling each other in 3D mode!! Thus ZidaneTribal from FF9 fighthing this weird guy called Kuja a black mage. Looks like every single one of them have finishing limit moves. Very intresting.. In the end, look who game Worrior of Light a fight. Sephiroth from FFVII final boss! D8
FFVII Crisis Core was Square-Enix's 10th Aniversary creation. But Dissidia is Square enix's 20th Aniversary!! Congratulations to Square-Enix to succesfully entered the 20th birth day!! XD
I cant wait for the game to be sell in stores! Till then, see ya!! XD