YU MENG!! i mean.. YU MING!! Is back!! XD
Well i just came back from CFCamp 2 days ago.. it was an extremely tired camp but in exchange it was extremely fun!! XD People said that i've change through out the camp. I cant really explain what does that means but... lets just say its a great experience for me. X) Btw.. the camp was a BLAST!! XD
MAY.. hrm.. sure is a though month. Lots and Lots of things has been happening, mayb thats why i dun really have the time to update my blog. XP
- Mid year exams
- Wesak Day
- CFCamp
- PS2!!! XD
These things are the main things that made me busy for the past few weeks. But wesak and CFC was a great! X) It deserve to waste few days of my life. XD
Okay.. i think thats enough for the greetings that im back.. i shall begin posting pictures from wesak day.. ON THE NEXT POST! XD
Just keep wait~ X)