Heres another story of the legendary carrot cake man. For those of you who dont know who in the world is that, its my one and only dad. XP
I know I mention that my dad was the legendary carrot cake but to be honest, i never really witness people acknowledge my dad as the legendary carrot cake man. I heard people saying that my dad's carrot cake is good but to me, its just not enough to be clarify as LEGENDARY. (Pretty picky eh? XP)
It was one sunday morning at the morning market and there werent many customers that day for some reason which me and my dad can figure it out. There are lots of people at the morning market but people just dont seem to be in mood for some carrot cake.. But still, there are some good profits for today. XD
Around 11am-ish, there was this chinese young man (around 20 year old-ish) came and ordered a regular packet like anyone else. He spoke to me in english and I would say he can speak english very very well. Almost like he had an accent or something..
When his order is ready, i collect the money for him and he gave me rm10. Of course, it pretty damn ridiculous for a carrot cake to cost rm10 in Malaysia. So, im suppose to give him the change for his order. But the moment i wanted to take the change, he smiled at me, did some hand sign telling me to keep the change, thanked my dad and walked off. Me and my dad were stun.
My dad is a very rational business man.. Keeping the change is just not really his like of thing. So he called the young man back and try to convince him to keep the change. The young man smiled and said this (in english)..
"I started buying your carrot cake ever since I was very very young. And until today, I still loved it. So, this is just a little token of appreciation for cooking this amazing food all this time."
Again, me and my dad were stunned this person said this. That moment, i sudden feel that my dad is awesome again. (his always awesome but i feel that his awesomer now~ XD)
Through that conversation, my guess is that this guy is eating my dad's carrot cake ever since he was young (like what he said), then he went overseas (due to the accent that he had) and came back and eat it again after so long.
After the conversation, his last words were in chinese. Not perfectly fluent but me and my dad can hear what he said clearly. He said..
"After eating so many carrot cake. Your carrot cake is still the best."
Is my dad a legendary carrot cake man? Yes, he is. XP
hmmm.. eh, your father got do for catering? :D